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Home Projects Completed projects “Small footprint” campaign

“Small footprint” campaign

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The overall objective of the “Small footprint” project was to improve the climate and energy awareness of Hungarian households and families and to popularize and promote low-carbon lifestyles. This project wass the continuation of our “Large family – small footprint” programme of 2009-2010; the difference was that the previous project primarily had focused on families who live in the countryside (thus, Central Hungarian households were excluded), while the “Small footprint” campaign focused on families who live in Central Hungary (Budapest and its surroundings).

The project started in the summer of 2011 and the process was very similar to the previous project: there was a training period for the families involved, where they could learn how to live with a lower carbon footprint, then they could show how much they can apply this knowledge in their lives in the framework of an energy efficiency competition. Local “climate-coordinators” were trained to enable them to assist GreenDependent in organizing and motivating families as well as to become the facilitators of low-carbon lifestyle in their towns and regions.

More information on this project is available on the homepage of the project (in Hungarian):

The project was included in the 2016's UNEP report, The Fostering and Communicating Sustainable Lifestyles: Principles and Emerging Practices, as a case study.  The full report can be downloaded HERE, Small Footprint case study can be found HERE.


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