GreenDependent Egyesület

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Tracopi projekt

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The overall objective of the project is to give managers of natural resources new skills in collaborative planning.

The program started in 2010 and it will run over the following two years with the leadership of Finland. The number of partners is 11, from 8 different countries, including the GreenDependent Association. The project aims to: (1) look for and identify new collaborative planning and decision support methods. (2) Choose the methods and models that can be adapted to PBPNR (program-based planning of natural resources) process. (3) Re-design CoPack (trainers´ support material package for collaborative planners) to build CoPack+ by including planning and decision support innovations in it. (4) Apply the re-designed CoPack+ in further training courses to PBPNR planners. (5) Transfer the updated material and experiences in project partner countries and beyond.

More information about the project:

First newsletter of the program:



Most important news

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A KOBUCI kert idén is csatlakozott a nagy népszerűségnek örvendő Magyar Dal Napja programsorozathoz. Ahogyan azt már az elmúlt években megszokhatta a Kobuci közönsége, ezúttal is a gyermekkoncerteké és a világzenei előadásoké volt a főszerep, azonban idén a GreenDependent jóvoltából környezettudatossági és energiatakarékossági programokkal is kiegészült a hallgatnivalók kavalkádja.