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Home News 5th International Degrowth Conference in Budapest

5th International Degrowth Conference in Budapest

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The 5th International Degrowth Conference, co-organized by GreenDependent, will take place in Budapest from 30 August to 3 September 2016.

For the first time, and in parallel to the 5th International Degrowth Conference, an open festival “Budapest Degrowth Week” will feature practical workshops, panel sessions and participatory discussions, as well as concerts, artistic performances and interactive tours throughout the city.

All Degrowth Week programmes are open to the public.

Follow us for the most recent news and updates.

The Degrowth Conference, the academic portion of the proceedings, will gather more than 500 researchers, scholars and practitioners from all around the world. Please note that the registration for the conference is closed.

You are invited to relocalize your events and connect with us through our livestreams.


Degrowth has emerged over the last 10 years. This provocative slogan has been used to inspire in-depth debates on whether infinite growth in a finite world is desirable or even possible. The main goal of the Budapest Degrowth conference and week is on one hand to question the limits to growth in understanding the challenges faced by society and on the other hand to implement dialogue about solutions on different levels.

If you have any questions, just contact us!

Your Budapest Degrowth conference team


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