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Home News Even COVID could not stop tree planting in autumn 2020: as much as 2245 fruit trees are planted in the scope of the TreeDependent programme

Even COVID could not stop tree planting in autumn 2020: as much as 2245 fruit trees are planted in the scope of the TreeDependent programme

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The story of TreeDependent started 10 years ago when the GreenDependent team first planted trees to partly compensate for the carbon footprint of our monthly event, the Gödöllő Climate Club. In the following years, GreenDependent got more and more into tree planting, at the beginning to take responsibility for and compensate the carbon footprint of its own events and training programmes. It was in 2015 that we first planted trees and calculated the carbon emissions related to an event organised not by GreenDependent: a Climate KIC organised event on carbon footprint. Since then every year we work together with an increasing number of organizations, companies and individuals to calculate the carbon emissions of their activities and help take responsibility for it through planting native fruit trees.

In autumn 2020, 2245 tree saplings are planted to compensate for the carbon footprint of activities such as partner meetings, general meetings, webshop order post deliveries, air flights of individuals etc. There is also a company that wanted one tree planted for each of its employees that took on a green challenge. And last but not least, there is a highschool class who decided to plant trees instread of letting air balloons to celebrate their graduation.

The tree plantings in the autumn of 2020 can happen thanks to responsibility-taking and financing by HungaroControl, K&H Bank, Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary, PLACC Festival, Piliscsaba-Garancstető Community of Residents, Class 12C of Újbuda József Attila Highschool, VUUV Works, Vera Kiss, Simon Milton and Ágnes Zólyomi. In addition, the own operation of GreenDependent Institute is partly compensated this autumn by planting trees.

The fruit trees originate from the so-called "Fairy garden" in Zala county. The owner of the „Fairy garden”, Gyula Kovács, has dedicated his life to collecting and saving the indigenous fruit trees of the Carpathian Basin since the 1900s. Close to 3500 types of fruit trees are grown there on 11 plots creating a collection of native fruit trees unmatched in Europe. These indigenous fruit trees have gone through centuries of natural selection thus they bring high yields without requiring a lot of pruning or spraying.

The trees are being planted in gardens of educational, social, and healthcare institutions, churches, and NGOs all over Hungary.

Further information on the TreeDependent - responsible events, responsible travel programme is available at:

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Legfrissebb hírlevelünkben olyan hétköznapi, mégis nagyszerű és "csodás" eszközökről, találmányokról vagy éppen rovarokról olvashatunk, melyek segíthetnek egy fenntarthatóbb, kislábnyomos életmód kialakításában. Mert bizony van, ami közös a katicában és a szárítókötélben... Aki pedig ihletet kapott, és szívesen megosztaná velünk kedvenc fenntartható, kislábnyomos csodáját, megteheti levélben vagy a közösségi oldalunkon.:) Ezenkívül további érdekességeket olvashatunk egyebek mellett a közeledő Ökológiai Túllövés Napjáról, gázvezeték ellen sikeresen tiltakozó apácákról és a 200 éves bicikliről a Kislabnyom Hírlevél 99. számában.