GreenDependent Egyesület

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Home This is who we are

This is who we are

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Our Colleagues / Experts

Edina Vadovics – president and project manager

Projects: Small footprint (KMOP), local projects (in Gödöllő), Sustainable Consumption in Hungary conferences


Kristóf Vadovics– project manager, finance

Projects: Small footprint (KMOP), local projects (in Gödöllő)



Simon Milton - researcher


Orsolya Antal - expert


Richard Halmay

Homepages and communication



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Members of the association

Charter members of the association

Orsolya Antal (Vice-President)

  • Economist, environmental system manager, and illustrator
  • Experience in event management, education, proposal writing, project management and green office design

Benigna Boza-Kiss

  • M.Sc. in Environmental Science and Policy, Biologist, special English language translator,
  • PhD student at the Department of Environmental Science and Policy at the Central European University. Her research field is sustainable energy systems and energy policy.
  • Experience in marketing management, project management and research

Richard Halmay (Vice-President)

  • Certified horticulturalist and environmental manager (M.Sc.), renewable energy engineer , EU programme manager and proposal writer
  • Experience in marketing management, small-scale renewable energy project implementation and corporate project management

Péter Medgyasszay, PhD

  • Certified Architect, PhD in architecture, MBA
  • Experience in project management, working as an expert, proposal writing research and sustainable architecture

Simon Milton

  • Geologist, environmental manager (M.Sc.)
  • Assistant professor at Budapest Corvinus University and PhD candidate (research field: CSR and SMEs)
  • Experience in research and education, translation and proofreading

Perlaki Kornélia

  • Language teacher, translator, mental health expert
  • Experience in translation and education

Rapai Fitrian M.

  • Indonesia expert

Zsuzsanna Siklósi, PhD

  • Archeologist
  • Experience in research, education and publishing

Edina Vadovics (President)

  • Environmental manager (M.Sc.) and trainer, Master of Education
  • PhD candidate at the Central European University. Research field: sustainable consumption, low-carbon communities.
  • Experience in research and education, low-carbon living, proposal writing, translation, and green office design

Kristóf Vadovics

  • MBA, English and history teacher, EU programme manager and proposal writer, vocational training auditor
  • Experience in education-training, organisation, proposal writing and project management.



Board of the supervisors

György Pataki, PhD

Budapest Corvinus University - Associate Professor



Nora Lyptai – Wagner

Educational expert

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Most important news

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Mennyit érnek a földi ökoszisztémák?

1997-ben az ökológus Robert Costanza és kutató kollégái azt a célt tűzték maguk elé, hogy kiszámoljanak egy első látásra kiszámolhatatlannak tűnő mennyiséget, a földi ökoszisztémák értékét dollárban. Erről és sok hasznos témáról olvashat a Kislábnyom Hírlevél 63. számában.