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Home Projects Completed projects Changing Behaviour

Changing Behaviour

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Changing Behaviour was a European project that is funded by the EU 7th Framework Programme (Energy theme). The project partners come from Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the UK. This project aims to support the shift toward end-user services in European energy policy. It will:

  • develop a sophisticated but practical model of end-user behaviour and stakeholder interaction
  • integrate knowledge of context (e.g., national culture and institutions), timing and actors into energy demand management practice
  • pilot the transfer of context-tailored demand side programmes from one European country to another
  • create a toolkit for practitioners to manage the social and technical change involved in demand management programmes (i.e., energy efficiency and renewable-based end-user generation).

The toolkit will be sensitive to the influence of context, timing and actors, and will thus facilitate the cross-country transfer and adaptation to local context of European best practices. In particular, the toolkit will address the diversity of conditions and behaviour patterns in old and new EU Member States.

This project works through intensive co-operation between researchers and intermediary organisations in the field of energy demand management (i.e., informative instruments, pilot projects, auditing and investment support, voluntary agreements, third-party financing schemes and the like). Such organisations include governmental or semi-governmental energy agencies, non-governmental organisations, consultancies and energy service companies.

Together with European intermediary organisations, we evaluate and analyse behavioural responses to demand side measures, and test the transfer of demand side programmes from one European context to another. This collaborative project will create new knowledge on energy related end-user behaviour and will ensure that this knowledge is useful for practitioners and policy makers in different parts of Europe.

You can download the Changing Behaviour brochure here.

For more information see the official website of the project:


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2016. június 23., csütörtök, 18 óra

Helyszín: Cargonomia, Budapest VII. kerület, Dembinszky utca 32.

Ahogy a Budapesti Nemnövekedés Konferencia és a Nemnövekedés Hét közeledik, egy újabb sajtóeseményen szeretnénk bemutatni a nemnövekedés mozgalmát 2016. június 23-án 18 órakor. A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetemen tartott előző találkozásunkkor magával a nemnövekedés elméletével foglalkoztunk, most azonban a konferencia és a Nemnövekedés Hét programjának bemutatása mellett a nemnövekedés mozgalom gyakorlati megvalósításainak példáit szeretnénk megosztani Önökkel.