As one of the six best practice pilot projects in the frame of the Changing Behaviour project, GreenDependent Sustainable Solutions Association launched a climate club for the general population of the town of Gödöllő. The main objectives of the climate club are to:
The format of the club seemed to be an ideal way of creating a local informal community of people interested in taking action and moving towards more sustainable household practices at the individual and small community level.
At one of the first club meetings, the GreenDependent climate club team was interested in finding out more about club members’ motivation for joining, as well as their aims for and expectations from the club in order to be able to keep the motivation of club members high. As for expectations, by attending the club people’s primary aim is to reduce their consumption levels (and their monthly energy bills), and thus live a more environmentally-friendly and at the same time healthier life. Apart from learning more about leading an energy efficient lifestyle, quite a few club members mentioned other areas of environmentally friendly living that they wanted to explore in the club – examples included organic gardening, composting, waste reduction and reuse, etc. In accordance with these, it is the hope of the GreenDependent team that the club can become a regular and long-term forum for the local community to explore sustainable livelihoods and act together for a more sustainable Gödöllő. Homepage of the Gödöllő Climate Club: |
There are no translations available. Mostani hírlevelünket egy kis fejtörővel szeretnénk izgalmasabbá tenni arról, miként lehet hatékonyan tenni a klímaváltozás megfékezéséért. A válaszok beküldésének határideje július 15-e, a helyesen válaszolók között pedig 2 db 2500,- Ft-os zöld utalványt sorsolunk ki. A továbbiakban pedig nyári tippekről, aktualitásokról és érdekes tényekről olvashatunk a Kislábnyom Hírlevél 98. számában. |