GreenDependent Egyesület

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Home Projects Newsletters

Unfortunately, our newsletters are currently only available in Hungarian. Presently, we publish the Small Footprint newsletter once or twice a month. The most important objective of writing and publishing the newsletter is to promote, encourage and provide practical help for low-carbon living.

The newsletter has 9 regular columns: Hungarian and foreign news, energy-saving tips, relevant events, interesting websites to check out, books/papers to read, films to watch, green and energy efficient products and services, and GreenDependent project news.

Most important news

The Earth Overshoot Day, the day we used this year’s natural resources that can be produced in a sustainable way, fell on 2 August in 2017.

Global Footprint Network launched a campaign called #movethedate to reverse the negative trend of overusing natural resources. Among others, GreenDependent Association also joined this campaign. The organisers invite conscious cosmopolitans to take at least one among the pledges available on the campaign's website and reduce their own ecological footprint.